Hungry Lamu

This horror game is very weird, and, as a typical indie game, can produce a false impression in the beginning. The story introduced a lovely animal, Lamu, who appears to be very hungry. You must feed the personage to make him happy. It does not seem a difficult task, especially when you have a narrator who tells you what to do next. So you take Lamu to the garden to get some berries for him. It is strange but your hero cannot get enough. He remains hungry no matter how much food you provide. Then comes the first scene that should alarm you. Lamu meets some live fruits here that want to make friends with him. But to you shock, he mercilessly kills them all. What is going on? You struggle to find a proper explanation to it. However, you must take it easy for now and continue your interaction!

What does Lamu hide?

The game has a really weird turn when it gets dark. He changes his appearance, and now reminds a human. But he does not look funny anymore but reminds a monster! He keeps walking around the park until he discovers three dead bodies. Something will make you really unwell – these poor people are killed in exactly the same way Lamu dealt with the fruits. So is Lamu? Is he really a merciless killer that just hides behind an image of an innocent animal? This is what you need to find out in this unconventional adventure. And you will not like what you will eventually dig out! So be very careful!

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